
Beth Clemen named “‘Best’ of Friends”

At the May 9th meeting of the Western Springs Library Friends, Beth Clemen received the 2018 “‘Best’ of Friends” award from her peers. Reasons for their choice include the work she does on Friends’ signs in the Library.

Beth is the creative force behind the many lively displays by the donations bin and book sale carts. She has used the signs and bulletin boards to promote participation in AmazonSmile (to donate 0.5% of purchases to the Friends to support the Library) and Library programs and events, including Friends book sales.

The group also mentioned her strong advocacy for the Friends and the Library. Beth reported that she was speechless when her name was announced and had actually submitted the names of other Friends for the accolade.

A plaque with all recipients’ names hangs in the Library foyer, by the Friends’ donation bin. Want to find out more about the Friends or join them? Go to