Friends Funding and Membership

Great libraries have good Friends.
Be a “Library Friend”!

Membership Fees are a primary source of funding for the Library Friends, along with Book Sales. Fees are used to sponsor a wide variety of popular library programs for the enjoyment of library patrons.

Choose your involvement: No time to donate? You can still become a valued Library Friend. There are 3 levels of involvement to choose from: 

  • Membership Fees: Your membership fees sponsor popular library programs. No further involvement necessary. You are a valued member of the library community and you get Friends’ preferential treatment at the Book & Bake Sale. 
  • 1 Hour Volunteering: Take advantage of periodic opportunities to be involved with library activities for one hour. 
  • Board Member: Become an active member of the Board and be involved in the decision-making process. The Board meets 5 times per year.

You’re Invited: Because they are committed to supporting library programs through Membership Fees, members of the Library Friends are invited to attend the Friends-only Book Sale preview on the Friday night of Book Sale weekend.

Membership levels are as follows:

Individual $20
Family $40
Patron $75
Benefactor $100
Life Member $500

Forms are available at the Circulation Desk.

Book Sales

The Friends’ Book & Bake Sales take place semi-annually on weekends in April and October. Offerings include gently used books of many genres, DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks.

We encourage library patrons to become involved in this excellent funding source by volunteering for an hour for Book Sale set-up, take down or during the sale itself.


It is through donations that the Friends are able to support such a wide variety of popular library programs. Your donations are appreciated!

  • Cash donations are always appreciated and are directly applied to the large variety of popular library programs.

Questions? Additional information? Volunteer opportunities? Contact Acting President Bonnie Engel at