Library Friends

Western Springs Library Friends

Great libraries have good Friends.
Be a “Library Friend”!
Who Are the Western Springs Library Friends?

Since 1953 the Friends have been a not-for-profit organization that raises funds to provide programs for library patrons and financial support for library facilities and services.

What Do the Friends Contribute to the Library?
  • Have you ever enjoyed our cooking programs, art presentations, craft programs, or special guest speakers?
  • Has your child attended our Teen, Tween or Youth Programs?
  • Have you had a children’s book donated to the library in honor of an addition to your family through the Welcome Baby Book Program?
  • Have you participated in our Summer Reading Programs?

These are some of the many programs that the Friends sponsor.

How Do the Friends Get Their Funds?

There are two primary sources of funds:

  • Membership Fees
  • Semi-annual used Book Sales

The Friends also offer gently used newly released books in the library lobby on a continual basis for a modest price.

Where and When Do the Friends Meet?

All members of the Library Friends are encouraged to become involved with the Library by attending Friends’ Board Meetings. These meetings convene in the Board Room in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. They take place on the second Wednesday of January, March, May, September, and November. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. and generally last one hour. At a minimum, they are attended by the Library Director, Friends’ Officers, and board members.

Want More Information on the Friends, including how to get involved with this excellent library support effort?

We encourage all library patrons to join the 100+ families who are productive members of the Library Friends.

To become a member of the Library Friends, you can pick up a membership form at the Circulation Desk.

You are encouraged to support your library by volunteering for an hour at a Book Sale. We also have behind the scenes work gatherings which take place on a year-round basis and are an excellent way to periodically donate an hour of your time to the library.

Questions? Additional information? Volunteer opportunities? Contact the Friends at