
Honorary Pet Mayor of Western Springs

Village President Alice Gallagher and the Thomas Ford Memorial Library are excited to announce the upcoming election of the HONORARY PET MAYOR OF WESTERN SPRINGS! A very special thanks to Western Springs resident Hazel Stocco for this great idea!

Between April 1st and April 7th, we invite the residents of Western Springs to visit the library’s Facebook page and nominate their pet to become the village’s FIRST Honorary Pet Mayor! The community is encouraged to vote on the nominations between April 8th and April 15th. The winning pet will receive a written proclamation from Village President Alice Gallagher and be featured on the library and village websites!

Here is how it works:

Nominate your pet!
Between April 1st and April 7th, you can nominate your pet by visiting the library Facebook page and messaging us a photo. Your message should include your pet’s name and a few sentences from you or your pet about why he/she would make a great Honorary Pet Mayor. We will compile all nominations in a photo album so they are easy to find.

Get out the vote!
Between April 8th and April 15th, encourage your friends and family to visit the library Facebook page and “like” the photo of your pet. One “like” equals one vote. The pet with the most “likes” by 5:00 PM on April 15th will be our new Honorary Pet Mayor!

What makes a great Mayor?
According to President Gallagher, a great mayor is:

  • First and foremost: ethical, honest, trustworthy, and compassionate
  • An independent thinker yet a team player
  • A good communicator – especially a good listener
  • Willing to make tough decisions that aren’t always popular with everyone, but best for the community as a whole
  • A great mayor knows that success comes from the collaborative efforts of the smart and talented people on the team: Board and Staff alike

All pets are welcome. Creative photos are encouraged. Have fun!