Happy Anniversary, Thomas Ford Memorial Library!
In January, the Thomas Ford Library celebrates its 85th anniversary at 800 Chestnut Street. Because of its beauty and majesty, patrons often ask if the building used to be a church. You may be surprised to hear that it has always been a library, ever since it was originally built in memory of local building contractor Thomas Ford! Check out https://fordlibrary.org/about/history or pick up a Library history bookmark the next time you visit to learn more about Thomas and his family.
The Library is not only 85 years old; it is also 85 years young. To keep up with the ever-evolving needs of our members, in January we will debut our first media-capable study/meeting room. Located on the main floor next to the Board Room, this state of the art space will allow Library members to use laptops and other devices for collaborative group sessions. A brand new 8 foot long conference table will have built in ports for teens and adults to project media directly from their laptops to a screen on one wall of the room. The room will comfortably seat six to eight, and be lit with adjustable LED fixtures. The Library Foundation generously funded the renovations and hopes you enjoy using the space!