
Quick Tips for Downloading eBooks, Audiobooks & More!

If you haven’t used our digital services before, the Library has a vast collection of eBooks, digital audiobooks, digital comics, as well as movies and music that you can download for free with your Library card. Here are some quick tips on how to get started:

Great for… Movies, music, comics, digital audiobooks

Go to or download the Hoopla app from your app store. You can sign up for an account with your email address and card number. You can check out up to 10 items in a month, and all items are instantly available with no waiting lists.

Great for… eBooks, digital audiobooks, movies, magazines

Install the Overdrive app from your app store and sign up for an account using either your library card number, Facebook or your email address. Add Thomas Ford Memorial Library or Media on Demand as your library. To log in, you will need your card number and PIN, so if you don’t know your PIN contact the Library and we can look it up, or change it for you. You can check out 20 items at a time, and may be able to renew or return some items early.

Great for… eBooks and digital audiobooks

Download the Boundless app from your app store. You’ll log in to your account using your Library card number. Like Overdrive, you may be able to renew items or return them early.

For additional help anytime, you can email us at, call us at (708) 246-0520 or visit the Reference desk anytime we’re open for face-to-face assistance.