Collection Club
Use your contribution to enrich the Library’s collection by supporting the Thomas Ford Collection Club!
Simply choose a contribution level, format (book, audiobook, CD, or DVD) and subject area on the Collection Club Donation Form. The Library will make an acquisition in your name or in the name of someone you wish to honor or remember. Library staff will contact you to determine your selections.
Print out this donation form (or pick one up at the Circulation Desk) and indicate your selections.
All contributions to the Collection Club will be acknowledged on the Library’s web site and in its newsletter. Legacy gifts ($250 and above) will be memorialized on a special plaque in the Library.
Checks should be made payable to the Thomas Ford Library Foundation, and dropped off or mailed to Thomas Ford Library Foundation, 800 W. Chestnut St., Western Springs, IL 60558.
Thank you for your support!
Questions? Please contact Ted Bodewes, Library Director at 708-246-0520 or