Andrew Gore
Treasurer, Library Foundation
“Now retired, I spent most of my career as a corporate tax lawyer at Baxter International in Deerfield. Ann and I have two daughters we raised in Western Springs but who now reside in the East Bay area near San Francisco. One teaches drama in high school and the other works for a bean-to-bar chocolate company. I enjoy music, especially Mozart and the Talking Heads. My favorite books include ‘The Brothers Karamazov,’ ‘Moby Dick,’ ‘East of Eden,’ and ‘The Sea Wolf.’ Favorite authors include P.G. Wodehouse and Bill Bryson. I am a serious Blackhawks fan, having injured several arm chairs while watching games. I enjoy bicycling, playing golf and reading about the history of golf. I am currently volunteering two days a week as a writing tutor for college freshman downtown at Arrupe College.”
Andy says he is active in the Foundation because he wants to support the culture of sharing that the Library promotes.