Teen & Tween Volunteering

Teen girl smiling. next to the Teen Board Book Display


Are you a teen or tween looking to complete service hours? The library is a great place to volunteer! Our teen and tween volunteers help with dusting shelves, creating displays, writing book reviews, and more! Volunteers looking for service hours should contact Teen and Tween Services Librarian, Lily Mayfield via email: lily@fordlibrary.org

Seven teens talking in the library during a teen board meeting

Teen Board

Teen Board is another great way to earn service hours. If you have ideas for how the library can better serve teens and tweens, come join us! The Teen Board implements programming suggestions, recommends books, and gives input for ways to entice other teens to visit the library. We do a fun craft or activity every meeting! Teen Board meets the third Thursday of each month in the teen room at 7 pm.