Library News

Our 90th Anniversary

Our 90th Anniversary

2022 marks the 90th anniversary of our Thomas Ford Memorial Library building! We are excited to celebrate this important milestone all year long with you, and we can’t wait to create even more memories together.
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Interview with Eddie Sugarman

Interview with Eddie Sugarman

Eddie Sugarman is the Executive Artistic Director of the Theatre of Western Springs. He leads TWS in fulfilling its mission “to entertain, to educate, and to inspire across the generations through the art of live theatre.”
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Interview with Marie Gerken & Jim Swinehart

Interview with Marie Gerken & Jim Swinehart

The Western Springs Writers’ Society held its inaugural meeting in 2014 after founders Marie Gerken and Jim Swinehart ran into each other at the Printers Row Lit Fest. Their successful first meeting drew a crowd of 30 like-minded local writers, and the WSWS has been meeting regularly at the Thomas Ford Library ever since.
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Library Block Party Wrap-Up

Library Block Party Wrap-Up

Thank you to our amazing community for making the Library Block Party a huge success! Despite the rain, 620 of you came out on Saturday, June 15 for fun, food, music, and dancing. It was the biggest event the Library has ever had, and we owe it all to your unwavering enthusiasm and support!
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Interview with Mary Greska

Interview with Mary Greska

When Mary Greska was the Library Board Treasurer, she gave us a snapshot of her life and thoughts about the Library in the Fall 2015 edition of The Ford Connection.
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