If you know the department or person you’d like to contact you can use the links below. Otherwise, please send your questions, comments, or suggestions through our contact form. We try to respond to all submitted questions within 24 hours. If you need an immediate response, please call us at (708) 246-0520.
- Adult Services: info@fordlibrary.org
- Youth Services: youthservices@fordlibrary.org
- Teen Services: lily@fordlibrary.org
- Circulation Department: frank@fordlibrary.org
- Director Ted Bodewes: bodewes@fordlibrary.org
Board of Trustees
- Margaret Fahrenbach, President margaretfahrenbach@fordlibrary.org
- Jean Carroll, Treasurer jeancarroll@fordlibrary.org
- Carol Foster, Secretary carolfoster@fordlibrary.org
- Stephen Baker, stephenbaker@fordlibrary.org
- Adam Fuelleman, adamfuelleman@fordlibrary.org
- Ann Marie Kartsounes, annmariekartsounes@fordlibrary.org
- Daniel Montgomery, danielmontgomery@fordlibrary.org